Wednesday, August 15, 2007

What's Wee Up To This Month? Installment Two

Month Two -- Weeks 5-8

Size -- In month two, Wee will grow from being a blastocyst (don't try to imagine how big that is -- I think that's a kind, scientific word for "too small to measure yet") to the size of a kidney bean, checking in as a sesame seed, a lentil, and a blueberry (almost fruit-sized!).

Development -- Wee's heart will start beating this month, and Wee will take all my energy to grow a brain and a spinal cord. I don't mind.

Appearance -- Eyes (dark spots for now), nostrils (more dark spots), ears (just holes for now), and arms/legs (including fingers and toes!) start growing this month, too.

Rachel's belly at 4 weeks

What's Wee Up To This Month? Installment One

Month One -- Weeks 1-4

I'm interested in what Wee's up to every week, but I'll consolidate from weeks to months for your sakes...

Honestly, Wee was up to nothing this month. A very easy month for both of us!

Baby Wee has a TotSite!

The front page from the TotSite (; password is "Baby Wee")...

Thanks for visiting Baby Wee's first website! We've been talking about "When we have a wee tot..." for a while now, so we're calling our little baby the "Wee Tot," naturally, which has been shortened to "Wee." We're going to call Wee "The Higlet" once (s)he debuts and might just put that on the birth certificate if we get asked "So have you chosen a name?" too many times. Consider yourselves warned...

Wee is due May 15, 2008. Our wedding anniversary is May 17, so we do realize that this little person will trump all romantic anniversary celebrations for the next 20 or so years. That's okay -- I'm sure that kiddie birthday parties are at least equally as fun as drinking rum drinks on Antigua, zip-lining in Panama, sun-bathing on Margarita Island (Venezuela), or touring Nicaragua. At least.

As you have time, read up on Wee's life in the Journal section. Please feel free to add comments to the journal entries or just general comments in the Guestbook section -- Wee would love to hear from you (that's Wee -- the baby, not We -- Chris and Rachel). I bet the first comment Wee gets is on how small the font size is, no? You can also see some pictures of the mom's expanding guts in the Photos section -- yes, Rachel's bare belly is now on the internet.

There's really no telling how often this site will be updated (at least once a month and probably more frequently once the "nesting" phase begins), so just bookmark it and check back occasionally. If you have any suggestions for info to include, please contact the "site administrator" at :)

I'm Pregnant!

Surprise! I don't like telling people (too much attention and too many questions!), but I want you all to know, so I thought I'd just lay it out there. :) I'm a bit over 3 months along now and due mid-May. We saw the sweet little blob on an ultrasound a few weeks ago and I heard his/her heartbeat earlier this week -- both are very difficult to recognize since they don't look or sound at all human. I don't look consistently pregnant yet (my belly tends to come and go -- sometimes we're surprised by it), but I did have to retire my favorite pair of work pants this morning -- tried to put them on and thought, "Did I pick out the right pair??" Sure did, just can't wear them anymore.

Please don't be sad that I didn't tell you all individually -- I'm awake for very limited hours these days -- growing a baby really wears a girl out!

**I really was 3 months along when I sent this message in mid-November, but I backdated it in the blog to make it more accurate!**