Month Eight -- Weeks 29-32
Size -- Wee starts off the month at 2 pounds / 10 inches (crown-to-rump) and should check in at around 3 pounds, 5 ounces / 18 inches (head-to-toe) in 4 weeks. Don't know why the baby book keeps changing the scale on me (switching between c-t-r and h-t-t), but I'd guess it has something to do with keeping me confused and delaying the terror that will come with the realization of exactly how big the kid really is.
Development -- Wee's lungs are much better developed after all of last month's work, so he'll practice some faux-breathing this month and also continue to grow his lungs some more. Since there's no air in my belly with him, he'll have to breathe fluid, and we all know what happens when we breathe fluid... Hiccups!
Appearance -- Well, he'll weigh about as much as a large canteloupe at the end of this month, but he should look nothing like one. I think he pretty much looks like a baby now, albeit it a super-tiny one?