Harrison's class is learning letters (both recognizing them and writing them), so we spend alot of time saying the letters in words we see and practicing writing letters and words. Recently when the boys and I were driving somewhere, we stopped at a red light and the following conversation took place...
Harrison : "H-O-O-T-E-R-S. Mama, what does that spell?"
Mama (internally) : "Did he just spell 'hooters?' Like the restaurant for people who like to eat chicken wings served by ladies with big -- well... Ah! A Hooters billboard -- I guess that makes sense."
Mama (out loud) : "That spells 'Hooters.' Like the sound an owl makes -- whoo, whoo! See the owl on the sign where you saw those letters?"
Harrison : "Oh -- whoo, whoo, Hooters!"
Mama : "Exactly!"
Green light --> go. Moving on!