Hewitt broke the news at school, so I'll go ahead and break the news here, too! That's right -- it's Hewitt's turn to be a big brother now! And Harrison will be an even bigger brother.
Baby is due October 22 (and I'm really hoping it's at least sometime in October given Hewitt's late arrival), which means I'll be pregnant for the summer (boo!) but feeding a newborn and starving during the holidays (yay!). The boys are split on whether it's a brother or a sister (Harrison says brother, Hewitt says sister), so so much for that intuition that earlier-borns supposedly have about what baby is coming next -- debate will be concluded by the mid-way ultrasound in early June! Harrison wants to name the baby either Zink or Kinsery, so we'll see if he comes down off of those names before the baby is born. :)
For now, please excuse any weird or rude things I have done or said in the past few months -- I get a little (no, I'll be honest -- alot) stupid and absentminded when I'm pregnant, and that is holding true this time, too! Now what was I just saying...?