Monday, April 2, 2012


For Christmas this past year, Katy and Brian gave Chris and Maynard passes to a practice round at the Master's, so we all packed up and headed over to Augusta for a day or two.  Brian's generous parents hosted my crew, so the boys pitched in by helping "Miz Lezlee" do some yardwork while Dada and Grandaddy were off eating ridiculously inexpensive BBQ sandwiches and drinking ridiculously inexpensive lemonade and sweet tea at the Augusta National golf course.

"Okay, lady -- where do you want 'em?"
Leslie and her two hired hands (hired for a cup of milk -- very affordable)

Resting up in the porch swing while we wait for Dada to come home -- "cuggle cuggle" ("cuddle cuddle")!

1 comment:

  1. These pictures are sweet reminders of my fun day working in the yard with your boys!! They were good help!!
