Friday, May 23, 2008

Harrison's First Week

The little guy had a busy first week -- started it with being born and ended it as the third wheel on a lunch date with his parents. We spent the weekend in the hospital with family and friends visiting us there, then carted our bundle home on Monday. Chris stayed home for all of our first week together, and the three of us didn't even leave the house on Tuesday. Wednesday we ventured to the pediatrician (Harrison is up to 5 pounds, 13 ounces -- a 4 ounce gain since he was born!) and took our first walk in the stroller that night. Thursday was more hanging around the house (figuring stuff out and getting better at being parents all the time) and successfully bathing the baby, and Friday we went on a "Harrison is one week old" lunch outing to a restaurant nearby. The little guy loved it -- evidenced by how soundly he slept. :)

Our first impressions of Harrison are that he's the cutest baby we've ever seen (naturally...) and also the noisiest baby we've ever heard (with a constant soundtrack of snorting, grunting, squawking, and groaning when he's awake plus plenty of snoring when he's asleep). He loves knowing that someone is nearby, so we spend alot of time with him laid out across us somehow so he knows he's not alone. He makes lots of funny faces and his little arms shoot straight up in the air sometimes -- we don't think that any of that is intentional, but it makes us laugh anyway!

Not that anyone is interested in us, but both parents are doing well. Sleeping fine (although not in long stretches since he's eating every 3 hours), feeling good, and crazy about our little boy!

Thanks for all the good wishes! We'll probably put up weekly updates for his first month and then drop down to monthly entries after that. We're also working on a photo album online so you can track him that way, if you're interested.

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