Thursday, June 30, 2011

Milk Bandits

Some morning cuddling and milk drinking in the big brother's bed. :)

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Some Backyard Splashing

Splashing in the turtle.

All done!

Monday, June 27, 2011

Nice Work, Boys!

Direct quote from Harrison : "Hewitt! We did it!"

Ah -- so it was pre-meditated...

Sunday, June 26, 2011

Hewitt or Mama?

I'll make this easy -- they're all Mama! Chris thinks it's "spooky" how much he looks like I did.

Hewitt's "pick me up" face (complete with the head tilt)

Hewitt's "trying really hard" face (complete with the pursed mouth and puffed cheeks)

Just a funny photo -- Hewitt will never look like this, but it made me laugh so I'm sharing it anyway

Where's the girl? Buried under the dogs.

Monday, June 20, 2011

Hewitt : 1 / Watermelon : 0

You want a rematch, melon? I will take you down any day.

Sunday, June 19, 2011

Shrimp Boil at JoshYara's

Hewitt's first go at corn on the cob -- he owned it!

Saturday, June 18, 2011

Hewie-Dew's New Do

"Revvin' up your engine,
Listen to her howlin' roar.
Metal under tension,
Beggin' you to touch and go.

Highway to the Danger Zone.
Ride into the Danger Zone!"

Theme from Top Gun :)

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Harrison Speaks Some Chinese -- No Joke!

Preschool has had an "enrichment" teacher visit each classroom everyday for the past several weeks. The enrichment teacher (Ms. Amy) speaks Chinese, so her enrichment activities take place in Chinese (with frequent translation into English so the kids what know they're supposed to be doing, I think). Ms. Amy gave us a video of Harrison showing off his Chinese vocab and also told us that he knows how to say the following in Chinese...!
  • Head, shoulder, knees, toes, eyes, nose, mouth, ears (to the tune of the "Head and Shoulders" song, of course)
  • The "Two Tigers" song (not sure what that sounds like)
  • The "Happy Birthday" song (Josh -- Harrison will be performing this for sure at your next birthday party)
Hewitt also does enrichment with Ms. Amy, but the impact is less obvious with him. :)

Sunday, June 12, 2011

Harrison Graduates from the Crib

We've been thinking about it for a long time (Harrison has been able to get out of the bed for 6 or 8 months) and finally made the move this weekend! The pediatrician said that as soon as he is able to get out of bed, the rails should be taken down so he doesn't have a chance to hurt himself falling over the top (even if his exits are controlled, which they are -- I've watched him do it!). So the guys got their tools out and went to work!

Harrison is so proud of his new bed and has done a great job being a big boy in it! His Mama, on the other hand, lived in fear for a few days. I was scared to go to sleep the first night because I was afraid he'd just show up in my face in the middle of the night and scare the poo out of me! Chris has a friend whose daughter does that -- walks in totally silently and then says, "Daddy?" just a few inches from him. My reaction would probably either be to wet the bed and then have a heart attack or to knock him across the room -- neither would be good. So far, though, my middle-of-the-night-self-defense instinct has not been tested against my maternal instinct, so we still don't know which is stronger.

Saturday, June 11, 2011

Harrison at 3 Years / Hewitt at 1 Year

Harrison's stats...
  • Weight -- 29 pounds (22nd percentile)
  • Height -- 35 inches (14th percentile)
Hewitt's stats...
  • Weight -- 23 pounds (76th percentile)
  • Height -- 30 inches (41st percentile)

Friday, June 10, 2011

St. Kitts!

We spent the week of Memorial Day in St. Kitts (eastern Caribbean) with Grandmom and Grandpop. While the boys' "grandparents" (as Harrison now calls them) wisely booked their seats in the exit row of the plane when they found out that we had requested the back row of the plane :), they were hands-on the whole week and gave Mama and Dada a nice break! We all stayed in the Marriott Vacation Club, which meant we had a condo with two bedrooms plus a kitchen, living room, dining room, laundry room, and two patios. Except for the 5am wake up calls from Hew, it was fantastic! Here's a sample day...

Early morning walk
Hewitt's slogan : "Sun is up at 5am, so why shouldn't we be?" I have no idea why he turned into such a disgustingly early waker-upper -- the room was pitch black, there was no time change, he did not go to bed 2 or 3 hours earlier than usual, and it was quiet. The early wakeup time is not a solvable riddle, so just give me your condolences instead of trying to figure out why it happened. Walks include...

General milling about while Mama and Grandmom get their legs to function...
Resting from strenuous milling about and crab-hunting (couldn't get a picture of any of the crabs -- they were quick little guys)...
Inspection of coconuts that fell the previous night...
Hewitt : The strongest baby in the world!
And checking in on the caterpillar tree...
Oh, what a nice tree!

But when you take a closer look, you find these big guys (a few inches long and as fat a a finger).


There was MUCH to do at the beach! Some solo sand-play...
Some team sand-play...
Some relaxing in the shade...
Some toy clean-up...
I think I will take this blue thing...

...and put it in this basket. There -- much better!

Some napping -- either in the water or on Mama's lap...
Yup -- He's asleep!

Some peek-a-booing...

And of course some sand-eating...
Clean baby.

Dirty baby.
After a busy morning at the beach, we made our way back to the condo for lunch and naps. This was the quickest way...
Tidied up the condo a bit...
And selected the afternoon's swim gear (this is what ladies in the 1800s would have worn, right? Or too risque given the bared ankles?)...

Most afternoons were spent at the pool. We splashed in the fountains...
Sun-bathed (his fingers, since they're all that's exposed to sun!)...


Jumped off the sides (we have a video of Harrison, too, but the file is being quirky -- so that one will be up soon)...

And went to happy hour!
Relax -- it's a fruit smoothie!

Special events
Hewitt's first birthday -- happy birthday, Hewie-Dew!

A surprise visit by some family who happened to be on the island for a cruise (Grandpop's brother Kurt and his family -- wife Kelly, daughter Monika, and son Austin)!
A Gammom-Gambob-Harrison outing! No commentary here because Mama, Dada, and Hewitt stayed at the resort, so there is no telling what wild times these three had while they were unsupervised. :)

I think there are some thumbs up here?

A Pop/Jeff-Rachel-Chris outing!

Leaving. Boo. :(
Thanks again for such a fun trip, Grandmom and Grandpop -- count us in for the next adventure, too!