Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Nap Interference!

Harrison thought pounding on his drum and then giving Hewitt a turn to pound on the drum would be more fun than letting little Hew stay asleep.

Ref blows her whistle -- tweeeeeeeeet!

"Flag on the play. Harrison, step back one yard. Hewitt, resume napping. Game on."

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Hewitt at 4 Months

The stats...
  • Weight : 16.5 pounds (88th percentile!)
  • Length : 25 inches (78th percentile!)
  • Irresistability : Absolute.
The updates...
  • He rolls -- Only from front-to-back and only over his left shoulder, but he's done it several times now!
  • He giggles -- And throws his head back while doing so!
  • He sits -- Well, he balances on his belly without falling over sideways.
Align CenterThe hotpads were there to defend against a surprise face plant. :)

Saturday, September 18, 2010


Today Mama and Dada went to Athens for their first UGA football game in 3 or 4 years. Harrison and Hewitt dressed in their UGA gear for the game, too, and then cheered for the Dawgs from home.

Sometimes when Harrison sees the Georgia "G," he'll say, "Go, Georgia Bulldogs!" (which comes out all mushed together as "GoJorjaBdogs!").

Friday, September 17, 2010

Hewitt Rolls Over!

Just after 9am today, little Hewie rolled himself over. He'd been close to achieving a belly-to-back roll for a while -- could use his feet to push up to one hip but couldn't get over that pesky shoulder. This morning when I put him down for nap, there was some fussing while I went to put something away, and when I checked back on him a minute later, he had rolled himself over.

"Hewie! You rolled!"

I flipped him to his belly again and watched him try really, really hard. Sigh... No more rolling, so I walked away to do something else. Checked another minute later and he had rolled over again.

"Hewie! You rolled again!"

Third time was a charm : Flipped the chubber on his belly and then watched him roll over to his back right away (his solution to getting over that shoulder was to grab his shirt with his left hand -- that flattened his left shoulder out so it didn't interfere).

"Yay, buddy!"

Then I spent the next 10 minutes flipping him back to his belly after each roll so he'd go to sleep.

"How did I get here...?" Talking Heads / Hewitt Higgins

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Full Names

We've been practicing Harrison's full name. If you ask him, he'll tell you that it's "Airsun Kai Iggnz." Just for kicks, I asked him what my full name was. He told me it was "Mama Kai Iggnz." :)

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Hewitt's Bottle Skillz

In the past few weeks, Hewitt has really been contributing to his bottle feedings. He likes to get his little hands in there and "help," which sometimes results in the opposite of help when he pushes instead of pulls. One time I caught him holding the bottle all by himself (the milk was almost gone, so it was pretty light), so I said, "Look at what Hewitt's doing!" When Dada and Harrison looked over, Hewitt realized he was busted and dropped the bottle right away. When your way of life involves people feeding you regularly and without any work required from you, you have to protect that -- don't let those people know that you can be a little bit independent!

Tonight's trick was to hold on to Mama's thumb while she held the bottle with her fingers -- that way he could pull the thumb to get some milk, push the thumb to take a break, pull the thumb to get some more milk, push the thumb to take another break.

Next week we graduate from bottles to sippy cups.

Just kidding about the sippy cups...

Harrison (The Language, Not The Boy)

Basic rules to the language Harrison speaks...
  1. Do not use prepositions (such as "to" or "from").
  2. Do not use conjunctions (such as "and" or "or").
  3. Do not use articles (such as "a," "an," or "the").
  4. Do not use soft sounds if they come at the beginning of a word (Ss are silent, for example, and Fs are pronounced as Ps).
  5. Do not use any verb tense other than the present.
  6. Follow English language guidelines except as noted above.
So all that means that the sentence "The brown bear went to school and ate fish" would translate to "Brown bear go kool eat pish."

It's very simple, really, when you know the rules...

Sunday, September 12, 2010

Happy Grandparents Day!

Harrison and Hewitt

Thursday, September 9, 2010

What Day Is It?

Harrison and Dada play a game called "What Day Is It?" every morning as they get ready for school. The game is simple : Chris asks Harrison what day it is. Harrison tells him it is Tuesday (every day...). Chris tells Harrison what day it really is.

Here's a conversation that Harrison and I had yesterday as we were leaving school...
  • Mama : "It sure is hot today."
  • Harrison : "No, Mama, it Turzzday" ("No, Mama, it's Thursday"). Not Tuesday??
  • Mama : "Actually, honey, today is Wednesday. Also, I meant that the weather is hot today. It is hot today."
  • Harrison : "No, Mama, it Turzzday."
  • Mama : "But today is Wednesday."
  • Harrison : "No, Mama, it Turzzday."
  • Mama : "Okay. And it's hot outside."
  • Harrison : "Yes. I push Hewie?" (Meaning, "Can I push Hewitt's stroller?")

I really think that we could have gone back and forth for the rest of the day! Patient and persistent -- that's Harrison.

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Which One Is Hewitt?

No babies were styled in the making of this photo -- this is 100% natural!