Tuesday, January 8, 2008

The Babymoon and Chris Meets Wee

The Babymoon

Wee has now gone international. We took our last-blast-before-the-baby-triples-our-luggage trip over New Year's (aka "The Babymoon") -- took the week to see Madrid, Lisbon, Sintra (outside of Lisbon), and New York. I was cleared for travel before we went with the warnings to drink more water than usual and not to sit still on the planes for more than 2 hours (increased risk for blood clots when you're pregnant). Didn't make the flight too restful since I was up and moving every 1-2 hours (due to the increased water intake and fear of clotting blood -- "What does a blood clot feel like? How will I know if I get one? Does it hurt? Will I die right away or will it be long and agonizing?"). All the worrying was for naught -- we landed in Madrid fine and flew right over to Lisbon. Spent a few days there -- one as a day trip to a city called Sintra, which was beautiful -- then flew back to Madrid for New Year's Eve and some touring the next day. Did some really raucous partying in the streets of Madrid for the big night -- not so raucous that I broke any pregnancy rules or that kept us from getting back to our hotel by 12:30 when the subway closed, though. Toured around Madrid on New Year's Day and ate ourselves silly on churros and chocolate sauce. Flew home through New York so we could get some pizza that night and spend a day walking around -- froze little Wee's nuts off (sorry, Chris, but I couldn't resist) in the 15 degree weather. Bought the best baby thing ever! at the FAO Schwarz near Central Park -- you'll have to wait for nursery pictures to be posted to fully appreciate this purchase, but it's similar to yet also better than something we dreamed up. A huge felt wall map of the world with little country names and people and animals and modes of transportation that you can velcro on. It's possible that the gift was more for us than the baby, but we think we'll be spending enough time in the baby's room that we deserve some cool stuff in there, too!

Chris Meets Wee

Some exciting news... One night in Madrid, Wee was really bumping around in there, so I took Chris' hand and put it where the last poke had been. A few seconds later, the little boy poked again and poked hard enough for Chris to feel it! (I've been putting my hands on him when he's really bopping but usually his jabs are still too weak to feel on the outside.) Chris gasped and looked at me all wide-eyed -- I said, "You felt it!" and he said, "I felt it!" :) That was the first time we've been able to line up Chris' hand with Wee's poke. It has worked one other time since then and felt more like a roll than a focused jab, so we think he might have been breakdancing that second time. Our baby can do the Worm -- we are so, so proud!

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