Friday, March 12, 2010

Dada and Harrison Do Some Driveway Biking

Harrison got his first "bike" (really, it's a trike, but Harrison doesn't know the difference between the number 2 and the number 3 anyway, so why bother with technicalities?) a few weeks ago and has really taken to it. He gets to ride bikes on the big-kid playground at school sometimes, so he had an idea of what to do already. Give that kid a "hemet" (helmet) and some "gazzes" or "goggles" (sunglasses) and he can't resist the call of the open road! I have several biking photos on my phone because that's in my pocket alot more often than the camera, but we all know that I don't know how to get a picture off the phone, so you'll have to come to me to see them.

For now, here's one of Harrison letting Dada have a turn to ride and then taking it back to show Dada how it's done...

Harrison's thinking, "Now THAT is funny..."

"Step aside, big man, let the little man show you how it's done!"

Oh, wait -- Harrison does actually know what the number 2 looks like! They've been practicing numbers at school, and just this morning when we were looking in our Spanish picture book, Harrison pointed to the number 2 in 20 and in 21 (the pages we were on). I said, "Dos." He nodded and said, "Dos." Don't know what would have happened if I'd said "ocho" but at least he recognized it as a number and something that he had seen before and something that was the same on both pages! Our little smartie.

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