Saturday, June 19, 2010

Buzz Cut!

Harrison has now undergone the quintessential coming of age experience for little boys -- the summer buzz. :) And he wears it so well!!

Harrison is a bit of a sweaty kid -- especially on his head with all his long, thick hair. Poor little guy would have it matted to his head in just a few minutes any time we went outside, so we decided to buzz him for the summer. We talked about it every day for the week before the Big Day, and he seemed to be listening and understand that some kind of haircut was coming his way. On Saturday morning, Dada asked if Harrison was ready to do his buzz cut, and Harrison answered by going to get the hair clippers. So... YES!

"Enough with the photos, Ma -- get this mop off my head!"

"Are we sending this to help clean up the oil spill?" No, Mama is keeping it. :)

He looks SO grown up now! He was a little embarrassed at first but now he seems to like the attention and head-rubbing.

1 comment:

  1. Hi =) I've been reading your blog but don't think I've commented yet. You always make me laugh out loud with your stories! Harrison looks absolutely precious with his new haircut!!! Like a little model...I better keep Lucy away =)
