Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Hanging Around the House

Hewitt driving the cardboard box truck that Grandaddy made.

A wild ride in the homemade truck!! Where are they going? To Chattanooga, according to Harrison.

Sweet Hew with his funny hair and chubby legs.

Harrison in a tunnel!

Mama and her boys -- one with a shocked look and one with a fake smile.

Harrison and the "baby" playground -- the slide on the front porch. The "big" playground is the one at the park a few blocks away.

The acorn family that Harrison and Grandmama made together. If you don't like it, Harrison might punch you.

Taking the pumpkins, buckets, and trucks for a ride.

Oh, my!

1 comment:

  1. So cute Rachel! Love the one with you and the boys. Glad to see Harrison wears pants sometimes :)
