Sunday, September 25, 2011

The Boys Meet Cousin Mallory

Chris and the boys and I packed it up and headed over to Augusta for the weekend to check-in on our gal Mal (she's doing just fine -- Katy, Brian, Grandmama, Grandaddy, and Mallory's other grandparents have tended to her just fine since we last saw her 4 days ago). Thank you to Ms. Leslie and Mr. Barry (Mallory's "other grandparents") for sharing their house with us -- the boys had so much fun with all of your stuff!

Hewitt was mildly interested in his cousin, and Harrison thought she was straight awesome! Sweet Hew wanted to let Mallory suck on his finger (which was intercepted by every adult in the room), and sweet Harrison made sure that we all knew when Mallory was awake and when she was asleep. Then they both took off for the room with the treadmill and exercise equipment -- their favorite room at Aunt Katy and Uncle Brian's house. :)

Mallory's dad doesn't quite trust Harrison to keep Mallory's head on her body (I don't blame him).
Also, Hewitt : "Mom, does this angle make my thighs look roll-y?"

Harrison giving "his cousin Mallory" some gentle attention

1 comment:

  1. Mallory loves her cousins and can't wait to see them again. This time she'll show them her neck of steel!
