Sunday, May 9, 2010

Mother's Day

For Mother's Day, the boys said we could do anything I wanted (which wasn't much given my bulk and the heat). Basically : Mama lounged, Harrison entertained, and Dada worked to make it happen. :) Thank you, boys! We hung around the house and on the porches, played with Harrison's new birthday gifts (especially the sprinkler -- that was nice!), walked to the playground, and went to the ice cream store a few blocks away for some super-delicious frozen treats. Oh, yes... Morelli's!

Harrison's shirt says : "Pretty + Smart + Loving = You. I love you, Mommy." He made it at school.

Also, Chris and Harrison practiced saying, "I love you, Mama." Chris told me that Harrison would say it to him, but then he wouldn't say it to me! Maybe next year...

Harrison's turn.

Mama's turn.

Happy Mother's Day!

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