Thursday, May 26, 2011


Brave Grandaddy stepped up to the plate this week! Chris went to New York on Sunday afternoon and will be gone until Friday morning, so Grandaddy stayed with Mama and the boys a few days to help corral two crazy toddlers. The crazy toddlers loved it. Grandaddy drove the boys to school each morning that he was here and then was a stand-in dad for the afternoons and evenings. We did lots of little events -- "projects" in the yard (Harrison's first exposure to Quikrete -- he was like a cement mixer truck!), inspections of the fort being built in the backyard (but only after the workers had left and taken their noisy saws and nailguns with them), special Harrison-Grandaddy outings to the playground, bike riding and wild games of chase in the parking lot and yard of the church across the street, gardening, a trip to the pet store, and a dinner at Willy's. We settled into a nice routine in the evenings of Mama taking Harrison up for a bath and pajamas while Grandaddy helped Hewitt (safely) do naughty things, then Harrison and Grandaddy had some quiet time together (watching cartoons or reading books) while Mama washed Hew and put him to bed, then Mama did the rest of Harrison's bedtime while Grandaddy recovered.

Let me tell you this : Grandaddy was not afraid to get down in the trenches -- he'd be embarrassed if he knew I was telling you this, but I actually caught him emptying a little boy potty into the big potty. Now that is commitment!

Exploring ice at dinner -- watch for the shiver :)

Testing out the half-built fort

A trip to the pet store (our personal indoor zoo)
Watch out -- student drivers! :)

Hewie and his cart

Harrison doing some dance "moobes" (moves) with his cart -- there was music playing in the store

Hewitt asked for a salamander. Mama said "No."

Harrison asked for a salamander. Mama said "No" again. I have no place in my heart for reptiles -- sorry, guys.

Standing above the air vent in the parking lot -- WINDY!

Thank you, Grandaddy -- now get some rest!

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