Sunday, June 12, 2011

Harrison Graduates from the Crib

We've been thinking about it for a long time (Harrison has been able to get out of the bed for 6 or 8 months) and finally made the move this weekend! The pediatrician said that as soon as he is able to get out of bed, the rails should be taken down so he doesn't have a chance to hurt himself falling over the top (even if his exits are controlled, which they are -- I've watched him do it!). So the guys got their tools out and went to work!

Harrison is so proud of his new bed and has done a great job being a big boy in it! His Mama, on the other hand, lived in fear for a few days. I was scared to go to sleep the first night because I was afraid he'd just show up in my face in the middle of the night and scare the poo out of me! Chris has a friend whose daughter does that -- walks in totally silently and then says, "Daddy?" just a few inches from him. My reaction would probably either be to wet the bed and then have a heart attack or to knock him across the room -- neither would be good. So far, though, my middle-of-the-night-self-defense instinct has not been tested against my maternal instinct, so we still don't know which is stronger.

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