Tuesday, September 1, 2009


Harrison went from not speaking in actual words to speaking in complete sentences!

His afternoon routine is : get picked up from school at 3, wander around the school parking lot / playground till 3:15, get home about 3:30, wander around outside till 4, go inside and have a nice cold glass of milk. And when he finally gets that milk, he really needs it. Picture him trying to scale the refrigerator to get to the milk and you'll start to understand how much he needs it. Yesterday when he got his 4 o'clock hit of milk, I swear he said, "Thankyouforthemilkmama." All in one little flow of words. Today, though, he was back to babbling nonsense all afternoon, so I guess the magic was short-lived.

1 comment:

  1. Too cute!!! I can't wait to hear Isabella's little voice. One day I am sure!
