Monday, August 24, 2009

Photo Album -- Summer 2009

Hi, everyone! We've dropped down to seasonal albums now instead of monthly -- you were all very patient with the month-to-month updates, so I thank you! This summer we visited my grandma in Louisville, went to Zoo Atlanta a few times, swam alot, went to Athens for a wedding, spent a week in St. Augustine with my parents, and transitioned to preschool! I'm still working part-time but have changed my work schedule to four short days per week, so Harrison's at school those four days until 3. And in case you didn't know, his preschool is a language immersion program, so his days take place in Spanish! Anything that happens in his classroom happens in Spanish -- talking, singing, eating, playing, getting instructions, getting in trouble -- hee hee.

Harrison's modes of transportation have expanded to include walking, rolling, and spinning – he wants to run, but right now "running" is taking lots of fast, tiny steps but not actually going anywhere, so he’s easy to keep up with. He understands tons of words and is mimicking us more and more, but he still prefers the grunt-and-point method of communication – guess he’s going to conquer the physical challenges before the verbal ones. Of course, I swear he said "agua" at when I was picking him up from preschool one afternoon (and got some water, as requested), so maybe he's just been waiting on learning something cooler than English all this time?

His cutest tricks right now include showing us where his belly is ("Harrison, where is your belly?" results in him pulling up his shirt and rubbing that big gut) and blowing kisses (new last week!). Our main objective this fall will be to teach Harrison to put his arms straight up in the air whenever UGA scores and Chris yells "TOUCHDOWN." We're practicing right now by yelling "SCORE" or "GOAL" every time Harrison drops a toy in his toybox or a ball in a bucket. He's very tolerant.

Overall, he's an amazing little guy and we can't believe we've already gotten to have him for 15 months! We don't consider listing him on eBay too frequently but that might change during this second year as we see him find and exercise his baby will, so keep your eyes peeled for a good deal on a baby. I'm kidding, of course -- please don't call DFACS.

Oh, Chris and I are fine, too – thanks for asking. :) --> Drop down "Higgins Family Albums" --> Select album "Harrison -- Summer 2009" --> Click on a blue box icon to the right of the page to start the slideshow.

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