Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Support Harrison's Preschool

Ms. Jackie (who runs Harrison's preschool) has entered a contest sponsored by American Express to identify and honor small businesses that are "leading our country and their local communities to a new and better way of working and thinking." Finalists in the contest will each receive a $10,000 grant from American Express, and the winner will receive a $50,000 grant and $50,000 in marketing support. Imagine how many raisins Harrison could eat if his school got $10,000!!! Or perhaps other (more educational...) things than raisins could be obtained with that money -- Ms. Jackie knows about that way better than I do.

In any event, LLIP is the school of our dreams for Harrison, so we'd love it if Jackie could win a grant to make it even better. To do that, LLIP has to receive 50 endorsements to become a semi-finalist. Then judges will select the three finalists from that population of entries (those finalists receive the $10,000 grant), then voting will select the ultimate winner (who will receive the $50,000 grant and the $50,000 in marketing funds).

For information on the contest : http://shinealight.ivillage.com/learn-more/

To endorse Little Linguists International Preschool : http://shinealight.ivillage.com/sbo-profile/?ProfileID=1626

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