Monday, August 10, 2009


Harrison starts preschool today! He's going to a language immersion school, which means that his day takes place in a language other than English (we have him enrolled in the Spanish program). The teachers don't sit there with flash cards and verb conjugations or anything, but everything that is said is said in Spanish (Are you hungry? Are you thirsty? Let's put your shoes on. Come wash your hands. Please. Thank you.). They also have a French program and may start a Chinese program.

Chris will take Harrison in the morning, get him all set up for his day, and leave him eating breakfast with the other little ninos. From 8:30 to 11:30 they do art, have "organized" book-reading time and singing time and dancing time, play outside, and explore their room on their own. Lunch is at 11:30, then a few hours of nap. Then snack and I pick him up at 3.

Chris and I have really been impressed with all of the teachers we've met and with the facility overall. We're both so excited for Harrison to get to experience all that preschool has to offer -- learning how to lead, learning how to follow, learning how to share, learning how to interact, learning how to live in a community. I'm really nervous, of course, and feel a tiny bit guilty for taking him away from the comfort and safety of his current childcare setup with Ms. Freida and his best baby friend Elise, but I really think that he's going to love going to school once he gets settled in. The lead teacher in Harrison's room (Ms. Marlen) is so sweet and personable and real that we know we're lucky to have her with him each day.
There's not too much info on the website (the blog the website links to is much more interesting), but here you go :

Hot babes, here I come!

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