Monday, August 16, 2010

Potty Training Update

The weekend went great! We ended up only doing potty training in the mornings because we decided to run errands and do outings in the afternoons (and weren't brave enough to attempt those diaper-free), but Harrison caught on really quickly in just those few hours. Turns out that unna-pants get in the way sometimes, so Harrison spent this past weekend's mornings in his birthday suit. After a few "Oops -- I just peed on the floor" episodes, Harrison got on a role and was nailing the potty left and right! Mama kept him well hydrated with milk, water, juice, and cantaloupe, so he had plenty of opportunities to show us what he could do. At first we asked every 10 minutes if he needed to go potty, and after a few good hits into the potty and some wild "pee-potty" celebration dances, he realized how fun it was and started putting himself on when he needed to go. One time he got fancy and did it standing-up (his aim was 50/50). The boys (well, Harrison) even did one off the front porch, which I'm sure the neighbors loved. :)

Preschool asks that he wear diapers there until he goes a weekend without any accidents, which might be a while since we can't work on it full-time, but we'll keep practicing while he's at home and hope to be down to one little guy in a diaper soon. We're all very encouraged so far!

1 comment:

  1. Good job Harrison!!! Hope you can give Isabella a few pointers...wait that might be a little hard since your a boy. :)
