Thursday, August 19, 2010

Scotch Tape and Bandaids

Before I Had A Toddler Living With Me
I used to struggle to make the decision between spending big bucks on "real" Scotch tape and scaling down for the store brand. The real stuff seemed overpriced, but the store brand was undereffective. When I splurged on the good stuff, I could wrap a present using only 2 piece of tape. When I got economical and bought the bad stuff, it probably ending up costing more because I used half a roll to wrap a gift.

Also, I never gave much thought to the price of Bandaids. Two young adults don't use many Bandaids, so I bet that Chris and I have bought one box in all the time we've been married.

Now That I Have A Toddler Living With Me
The expensive-versus-cheap-Scotch-tape decision is much easier to make! Always go with cheap because Harrison is going to use the whole roll no matter how much it cost.

Also, Bandaids are expensive, so now I know to keep them up high and not be afraid to suggest fixing something with tape instead of a Bandaid.

Putting My Knowledge To Work
Recently Harrison was seeing how many things he could get to fit in the back of one of his dumptrucks while it was balanced on top of the trash can. Needless to say, the truck eventually rolled off the trash can and crashed onto the floor. Harrison got all upset ("My truck! My truck go boom!"), so we got out the first aid kit to fix it up. He told me the truck needed medicine (no joke!), but I got him to settle on just some Bandaids. Specifically, the Bandaids that he needed me to put on his knees for no good reason earlier that day and which were stuck to the floor at that particular moment. So we peeled the Bandaids off the floor and put them on the truck. When Harrison told me that the truck needed more Bandaids, I offered tape instead. The result? A dumptruck in a body cast.

Any guesses on how much this repair job would have cost had we used only Bandaids or expensive Scotch tape?
And the napkins in the cab are "booster seats" we use in another truck.

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